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I do not have a blood of a blogger but sometimes I have a lot in mind that I can't talk about with someone especially my dreams

Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Cinderella wig aftermath...

I cosplayed Disney's Cinderella [the 1950's version] last December 15, 2013

I don't do my hair before. I asked for a stylist to style my wig for a price. The left and the middle photos are those styled by someone. The third one is the one I styled.
[For the wig styling tutorial of Cinderella hair, follow the link below.
Thanks to this girl for her tutorial video]

The wig that I use in my Cinderella cosplay is also the wig that I use in other characters.

in wig styling, i use bench fix and a strong hold spray to keep my wig in place.
Some cosplayers are afraid to put a gel, wax or spray for their wig because some believe that it's not good for your wig.

worry not..

These two are my wigs after use. Dry and messy

I bought a fabcon. [not a 2 or 3 in 1 fabcon, but just a fabcon] and mix it in a lukewarm water
then put the wig in the water

while the wig is in the water, comb it carefully. remove the tangles from the tip of the hair to the top.
You don't want too much wig hair fall
 Air dry the wig while you comb it again from it's tip to remove tangles

After few minutes of combing...

It will be back to it's original texture

Saturday, October 19, 2013


I've been a cosplayer for five years and I just noticed something wrong with some of my cosplays...


When I started cosplaying in 2008, I just said to myself "Go ahead! Dress up and role play!" but when I looked into my cosplay from before, there is always something lacking. Sometimes it's make up and mostly it was the characterization.

As a young girl (before) I want to collect a quantity of my cosplays and not the quality. I use my costume for a maximum of 2-3 times before but I discovered that it wasn't a good manner. I was still new in the community and I didn't care about how I look in person or in photos.
But now, I do care...

As a cosplayer, I collect my photos as souvenir from conventions or photoshoots or I can also say as an art that I do.

Here are some photos of my sailor mars cosplays
LEFT: taken in year 2008 - that was the first time that I cosplayed Sailor Mars
I haven't studied how SM's make up would look like so I ended up putting very light make up which faded during the convention. The pose is also a little awkward as my head was bent towards left. Wig: I don't use wigs for long black hair because I already have that but It doesn't look good.

MIDDLE: taken in year 2009 - that was my second time cosplaying SM. I haven't watch Sailor Moon completely but still knows a little about the character because she has been my favorite in the series because of her attitude. That pose, was actually inspired from a small figure that I bought at Manila sidewalks
RIGHT: taken in year 2013 - It has been a while since I last worn my costume. If I wasn't needed as a proxy to the group's original SM, I can say that I already retired the costume. But since I was going to cosplay it, I did what I didn't do before...
at least some of her background and basics. I came up with different poses by studying the character's photos and posing in front of the mirror.
I know I'm still not good enough but I can say that practice will improve you.

PS: Most Cosplayers say that you should practice in the mirror. I have my own version.
Since selfie is trendy, use your camera for your pose practice ^w*
I do that XD

Saturday, January 19, 2008

i dreamed of zombies

Im a second year nursing student and I'm studying in a university with hospital. A university with hospital especially if that university has medical students, a gross anatomy room is present. That gross anatomy room can be a shortcut passage if you are late.
One night, i dreamed of something. All the second year nursing students are on the fourth floor, including myself. I was strolling around the corridor when one of my classmates shouted that the zombies are rushing on the fourth floor. I was shocked so that i told them to get their firearms and ready for defense. I also told them to lock the fire exit so that they cannot enter easily. We are ready for defense, those zombies cannot also enter the fourth floor so they use the fifth floor to enter. They crashed the fifth storey's floor so that the ceiling of the fourth floor opened and so they did enter. I don't have any firearms because the school don't have much. They tried to protect me and fired those zombies away. But there are many of them! The students cannot accomodate many enemies so I tried to provoke the zombies and ran. I was in the middle of the corridor so that my only chance to run is to jump out of the window. So I did. The zombies also did for them to catch me. Our school has a parking lot in front of the building, but in my dream it became a swimming pool. I saw a hut and I ran to it. The enemies were following me. I used the lightning power to destroy them ( I am making a manga story where my friends has the power of lightning and I have the power of wind) but I couldn't use the power that is not mine. So I use my own. I summoned the wind to make a tornado and make the zombies stay inside the swimming pool so that they would become wet. Then they stayed and couldn't get out of the tornado. I switched the electricity going in the pool, because in my dream, the pool couldn't be used by people because the electricity can kill us especially when in water. I was shocked when I saw the zombies died in electricity. haha! So that I won!
But even if I won, I wonder why did I dream of zombies...
